Friday 27 April 2018

A Royal Baby

As we welcome a new member to the Royal family, all newspaper & magazine conversations lead to Kate Middleton's image so shortly after giving birth. Can they ever give women a break ? Every single women is different and are in different circumstances. So yes, hours after giving birth Kate looked incredible, but no, its not discouraging the average women, because lets face it, she isn't your average women. No other average women will have to leave the hospital and greet hundreds of paps hours after giving birth, so looking like you've rolled out of a bush backwards in your dirty PJS is completely fine and amazing in itself. I know personally I don't want any visitors for a few days, let alone having to face the world, but thats my life and hers is hers. No matter how your looking after birth, whether its dressed to the t with hair and makeup done ready to welcome visitors, or your bare faced with unbrushed hair and dressed in an oversized t-shirt, your all superheroes. Your just grew and birthed a human. Women are incredible. Welcome to the world Prince Louis Arthur Charles !

Kate and William new baby

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