Friday 2 March 2018

Hello 24 Weeks

Eeeeekkkk, I've reached my 24th week. This is crazy to me, because at the beginning of my pregnancy I remember looking on my pregnancy apps thinking it was SO far away, and it felt unreal that the baby would ever be the size of a melon. But here I am, and its actually flown by, I know I say that in every weekly update, but its just shocking to me!!

Preparing for baby update : So I've finally started clearing the house of junk, I swear the amount of paperwork and random shit we have in drawers and cupboards never fails to shock me lol. I literally have an entire black sack of hoarded letters and paperwork that we honestly don't need taking up our storage space. Iv also ordered a bunch of vacuum pack bags, I literally cannot wait for them to arrive today lol. Now thats a grown up statement lol. No, seriously, I have SO many clothes in my cupboard that don't fit me and I need space for my new bigger clothes, so I'm excited to clear out my cupboard and get all my space organised. I guess this isn't directly for baby, but it will definitely help to have the house organised upon bubbas arrival.

Bump Update : So I'm pretty sure my belly has almost doubled in size, but from the front you might not even know I was pregnant, its the weirdest thing. I've attached a before and after picture, because it shocks me how much I've grown!! Still no stretch marks, I know they are mostly hereditary but Im also oiling religiously morning and night with Loveboo miracle oil and it seems to really work!

Mumma Update : Those back pains are very much still there, so I researched the best bump band for back support and came across Gabriella Maternity, so I have a bump band on its way to me and I'm going to do a full review in the coming weeks on how I get along with it! I will also have a discount code, so if your thinking of buying it, hold tight and use that! Bodily changes are real guys, lol. There is so many things changing with my body, to the point where I feel like its actually temporarily not mine, its just being rented to baby for another 4 months. Other mums may know this feeling lol!


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