To be completely honest monitoring movements it really isn't the easiest thing to do, especially if your still at work or your mind is elsewhere. It can actually be quite stressful trying to remember when you last felt a movement, and that in itself isn't good for bubba. So I downloaded an app the other day that I found pretty helpful. Id basically had a really busy day, and by the time I sat down I suddenly thought, omg, when did I last feel movements...So I sat down, calm and relaxed and waited, but like waiting for a kettle to boil it seemed to be ages so I decided to start a timer. While I was counting movements with my timer on and notebook open I thought surely theres an app for this which you'll be pleased to know there is!! I downloaded "Baby Kicks" and started recording the kicks with the easiest hit of a button. S/he was actually moving more than I had realised because when you can see it physically in front of you its a lot more reassuring.
Long story short, if your even thinking about the lack of movements its time to check them. Pop open the app and start counting. After 10 kicks or 2 hours the session will automatically stop and save the info in history. Simple :) You can then compare it to your other sessions and notice if theres any differences or changes in the pattern. If you have ANY concerns go and get monitored, do not hesitate. It doesn't matter if your overthinking things and you've been in a million times before. Baby's health is more important, you will probably find as soon as you get linked up on the monitor your baby will turn into a boxer but at least your mind will be put at ease.
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