Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Poppin Placenta Pills

Eating or encapsulating your placenta has become a more and more spoken about trend. Celebs, hippies and animals are doing it so I thought I’d give it a shot since I spent 9 months growing it :) There are plenty of benefits of consuming your placenta, some of them being hormone balance , milk production, assisting the uterus contract back, reducing post-natal bleeding & helping replenish depleted iron levels. 

Since I couldn’t see myself munching into my raw or even cooked placenta , I reached out to the lovely lady at Placenta Plus to encapsulate it for me. The process couldn’t of been easier!!! They send out a pack which includes all the instructions, two ice packs and a placenta bag. After having baby you literally just text the number provided and someone comes to collect your placenta in the bag that same day. Easy peasy ! The pills are then made and delivered back a day later. Super simple and quick ! 

Now because Tayo is my first baby, I don’t know if they helped my hormones balance out as I have nothing to compare it to. I was pretty up and down for the first 10 days postpartum to be honest. But what I do know is that my milk supply came in thick and fast, and I’m sure that’s due to the pills. My uterus also contracted back super fast, the Midwife’s were very impressed, the pills may of helped with this too. 

What I can be sure of , is that they give me energy. I stopped taking them for two weeks and felt run down and tired all the time, as soon as I started taking them again I had a new lease of life. Maybe it’s placebo or maybe they really work , either way its well worth having them!!

Check out there website for packages and prices >> https://placentaplus.co.uk


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