Monday 1 January 2018

OMG we are pregnant!

Ty Ogunkoya & Wife announce pregnancy

So I sat there , just over a month after our wedding, staring at 2 lines. OMG, we are pregnant. It wasn’t that this was unplanned, we just hadn’t imagined that it would happen so quickly. I was also worrying because I had literally just got home from a ‘cheese and wine night’ at a colleges house and had consumed and drank a lot of stuff you shouldn’t when pregnant. Ops !

After telling my very excited husband the next question was, what now ?

So as any other 26 year old would do, I pintrest it. After reading for literally hours I realised at only 4 weeks gestation there really was nothing to do except book an appointment with my doctor. After my doctor saw me at 7 weeks , yes it took me over 2 weeks to get an appointment ( london life) it seemed weird to me that there was now nothing to do until my 12 week midwife appointment. Anyone thats going through this now or has been will know what I mean. You don’t even really feel pregnant , especially if like me you have no symptoms. No sickness or nausea. WOW, it seemed to me like this would naturally confirm pregnancy, and when I didn’t get it, however nice that was, I couldn’t help but worry why. Truth is, not every women gets sick, and you should thank your lucky stars if your one of them.
Skip to 12 weeks, I had my standard 12 week midwife appointment, which is like a half an hour of answering questions, having blood taken and peeing in a cup. Not exactly exciting but all very necessary. I also got my 1st scan date at this appointment, eeeeeee now heres something exciting. 2 MORE WEEKS to wait , honestly around this time all you want to do is see your baby to confirm its even there. 2 weeks seemed like it was going to take a lifetime, however luck had it I worked solidly for those weeks so it flew by. Before I knew it I was on my back , top up, looking at my little peanut moving around and listening to its heartbeat. Everything was perfect. Finally , goodbye anxiety

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