Tuesday 20 February 2018

Naming Baby

So around this time you start to this seriously about bubbas name, and whether they are having a middle name, going traditional or fancy something completely unique. Playing around with a ton of options is actually quite fun, but... big question, do you ask peoples opinion ?

As you know we aren't telling people the sex of our baby, so this makes it easier not to break and ask everybody's opinions on names. Our immediate family however know what we are expecting, so while playing around with different combinations of first and middle names I think we will ask our their opinions. We have decided to have two or three combinations options ready for babies arrival but not to fully decide on a name. We want to see baby first, and see which name suits best.

This is my view, but everyone is different so I've asked a handful of real new mumas what they decided to do, and why...

Yes we told people, and my dad said he didn't like the name as did a few others. We ignored and still went with it but in future we will probably keep it hush. No-one will say they don't like the name after the baby is already born and named lol.

We were actually really organised with picking Harrys name...we always said if we had a boy we would call him Harry- after my partners grandad, so lots of friends and family had heard us say that. If we had a girl I think it would be harder to decide. Because of this we didn't need/want to ask anyones opinion. We told close friends and family for definite however as with most secrets more people than we wanted found out so in hindsight next time we would keep this to ourselves!!

So I'd kept it secret as sooooo many people have opinions and make jokes about your name choices which can ruin it for you !!! At the end of the day, its up to mum and dad. We only told a few people this time, but next time I wouldn't even do that.

So my partner and I decided on his name by ourselves, we did not want to ask what other people thought of it as we knew our parents wouldn't be keen on something seen as a bit unconventional. Ultimately it was our decision, and we didn't want to be influenced. We really wanted to keep it hush, but people kept asking what names we liked and with lots of our friends expecting babies we told our closest friends first, mostly to kind of claim the name so no-one else would want it.  Then our parents would not stop trying to guess it, so in the end we caved and told them. Its so hard to keep things quiet when your getting asked all the time.

I was open with telling my names, I knew both boy & girls name at the 20 week scan. I found the older generation would comment on the name choice and say what they thought but we stuck to our decision and they soon got used to it. I can see why people don't tell as people are not afraid to say what they think but I was happy to hear what people thought as its a big decision.

With Stevie, we had two girls names and one boys name. We didn't tell anyone, as we didn't want opinions swaying us on the girls names. The boys name is a family name, so that wouldn't change. With Elia, we only had the one name (the reject from Stevie - we decided when she came out that she was a Stevie). I still didn't like to tell people, but my husband went around willy nilly telling everyone which drove me mad lol. Obviously, each time we didn't know the sex of the baby so it wasn't the end of the world and thankfully most people forgot, but I still kind of wanted to kill him a bit ;) people were actually better than I thought with Elia's name, and she didn't have a middle name until she was born, so it was still a nice surprise.

I hope this little bit of advice helps any parents to be who can't decide whether to share or not to share! Good luck oxo


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