Monday 5 February 2018

Pregnancy Facial

So while being pregnant I noticed a change in my skin. Not only am I more prone to breakouts but after the spot clears its leaving a faint red scar that I can't seem to shift. How annoying. I think this is because my skin is just more sensitive and basically taking longer to heal.

Not ideal!

However, I did some research and to minimise these breakouts I decided to have a pregnancy facial. Which is basically a deep cleanse to clear all your pores and hydrate your skin as well as being thoroughly relaxing. Because of the limitation of pregnancy friendly products it important to see a professional that has knowledge of pregnancy facials.

Jasmina Vico

I went to see Jasmina Vico on Wimpole Street Marylebone. With a career spanning over 16 years, her no nonsense approach to skincare has quickly led her to becoming one of the most renowned and respected therapists and laser experts in London today. She is the master of personalised treatments, so she works directly with your unique skin needs. I've seen Jasmina before I fell pregnant, and she has a wide and varied treatment list to conquer all your skin conditions including acne, ageing, discolouration and inflammation. This time however I had an amazing pregnancy facial, with some red and blue light treatment. I've listed briefly what this entails...

Firstly she double cream cleansed my face with a Bamboo exfoliating cream to open and clean my pores. Then she went on to do light extractions manually, this is basically manipulating the pores to remove blackheads. Not gonna lie its a little eye watering, but wow did I noticed the difference after. She then gave me the most relaxing massage using Rose Quarts to deliver hydrating emulsions and focusing lightly on pressure points to clear my sinuses. Facial cupping followed the massage to simulate blood to the skin surface and an ice ball to increase oxygen flow, these two steps help your skin repair itself quicker and give a healthy glow. To finish of she used a red light to calm the redness and a blue light to reduce breakouts. Obviously because of pregnancy theres a lot of active ingredients that she's not allowed to use and also laser treatments, so I will be going back to see her after baby ( if I have time).

As well as leaving with glowing skin, I felt so relaxed!! This is going to be good for me and baby. A relaxed happy mum, is a relaxed happy baby. I think it super important as a mum-to-be to pamper yourself while you still can !! After baby is here, say good bye to self pamper spa days for a while ! 

@jasminavicoskin on Instagram


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