I'm now just over 20 weeks pregnant and what a brilliant experience it has been so far. But my favourite moment was when I first felt a solid little kick. I started feeling Baby O move at around 16 weeks, almost bubble like while s/he was twisting and turning in my belly. However, I can easily differentiate and remember the exact moment when I felt baby's first kick. I was laying in bed with my hand on my belly listening to some relaxing music almost drifting off to sleep when suddenly this thud on the palm of my hand, it actually made me jump. I was so shocked initially by it that I rolled onto my side, closed my eyes and tried to sleep lol. I couldn't believe that I had felt baby actually kick that hard so early on in my pregnancy, as this was 18 weeks. My husband was away working , so I was alone in our house and was busting to tell someone, so I think I told the dog the next morning lol, as well as texting my husband and sister. Its such an amazing blessing to be able to feel my baby moving around and kicking everyday now, its just nice to know its still there :)
Every women however is different, some women don't feel their babies until later on, some even earlier, especially in second and third pregnancies. Even the lady that did my 20 week scan told me quote "you won't be feeling kicks now, just movements, kicks don't come until the 24th week", well I'm here to tell you lady & anyone that tries to tell me different , I think I know when I'm being kicked internally and I sure as hell am lol. So much so that family have felt them too :) I guess what I'm trying to say is not every baby in the world waits until exactly 24 weeks until it decides to kick, I'm sure they get harder but with my small frame I'm lucky enough to feel the warm up ones already.
If you are someone who hasn't felt baby wiggle or kick yet, don't panic or stress, you just have a lot to look forward to :) it will come and when it does it will be well worth the wait !!!
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