Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Hypnobirthing Explained

If you had asked me a few years ago what my dream birth plan would be, I would of said " I plan to feel nothing",  meaning give me everything, epidural, drugs, gas & air the lot.  How differently I answer that now. Around this time in pregnancy I've began to briefly think about how and where I want to labour. I don't know all that much about labour, but what I do know is that I want to fully experience it and be completely present. Therefore, the most natural and drug free birth seems to be the most appropriate for me. I've been listening to an audiobook throughout my pregnancy called "The Mama Natural - week by week guide to pregnancy & childbirth" by Genevieve Howland. I've gained a lot more knowledge on natural health remedies for pregnancy, healthy food recipes , appropriate exercising and also different 'natural' birthing techniques. I say 'natural' like that because I really think however you give birth its the most natural thing ever, so Id rather say no/minimal intervention births. The more I've researched and read, the more I know that Labour Ward medical birthing isn't for me, I'm not a hippie by any means but I want to be as relaxed as possible and I think, personally I will stress less in a Birthing Centre with the option to move around and use the birthing pool if I wish. So, if all goes to the Birthing Centre is my 1st option. I've seen and heard the word Hypnobirthing be used loads but need really known what it was. So when I found myself googling it I came to realise its pretty much what I've been thinking about for my labour plans. Before anyone starts freaking out at the hippie dippie name that it comes with ,I assure you its just labour back to basics. I came across this post by Nicki from Mamacan Hyponobirthing and thought I'd share as it explains it perfectly. 

So What Is Hypnobirthing?
Its suspicious name may conjure up images of incense waving, tie-dye wearing hippies, birthing with dolphins. As much as a small part of me likes the idea of dolphins splashing around my birthing pool, Hypnobirthing is actually a rather scientific, common sense approach to birth. I am a lawyer by trade and naturally quite risk adverse – my first birth was not really the time to try my hand at something that was founded on anything a bit wishy washy.

Hypnobirthing is nothing new. It is arguably what women have been doing for thousands of years before our “thinking brain” got in the way and over complicated things. I like to think it’s a bit like organic food – we are simply stripping things back to basics before all the modern-day meddling. 
The foundations of Hypnobirthing are rooted in physiology and it educates us on how our bodies are perfectly designed to give birth effectively. It addresses fears around birth and how they negatively affect your body functioning, and most importantly provides us with a tool box to have a positive, calm and empowering birth experience.

Hypnobirthing Is For Partners Too!

It also gives your birth partner a vital role to play in the lead up and during your birth. Most of us have images of lost looking men attending their partner’s birth, having their hand squeezed and being swatted away like an irritating fly while they try and mop a brow. When it comes to the main event they may be allowed to join in the “push push” chant from the side lines. For Hypnobirthing mums however, their birth partner is their birth environment facilitator, their advocate and their protector. Their role is to ensure you can simply relax, while they take care of communicating with your care providers, ensuring you have everything you need to birth calmly and comfortably. 

Hypnobirthing Classes

Taking Hypnobirthing classes does not guarantee you a “perfect birth”; indeed there is no such thing as a “perfect birth”. There is simply the birth that is right for you and your baby in particular circumstances on a particular day. While Hypnobirthing is associated with natural birth with minimal interventions and pain relief, the techniques taught are invaluable in any birth scenario as they teach you to release fear and anxiety, and have complete confidence in your body’s ability to birth your baby. The relaxation techniques can be used whatever type of birth you have, allowing you to stay calm and in control. 
A Hypnobirthing course is typically taught over about 8 hours (although this differs between teachers), and is broken up into a number of classes. The classes equip you and your birth partner with techniques to practice daily in the lead up to the birth. It does require a commitment to practice and the more you put in the more you get out of it. When the time arrives for you to give birth, much of the hard work has already been done!
As you can see, I feel passionately that all women should have the chance to learn Hypnobirthing prior to their birth. If you’d like to chat more, please do get in touch!

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