Sunday 9 September 2018

Got milk ?

From the start I knew I wanted a breast pump so I could share feeds with my husband, mainly so he had time to bond with our son, but as well as this, so we can share night feeds, and I'm not the only one awake at night. Funny thing is, once Tayo arrived, little did I know I wouldn't be pumping to share night feeds at all but so I could feed full stop...

Before choosing a pump, I asked around some real mums to rate their breast pumps, two came out on top, The Haaka, and the Medela Swing (double). Naturally I leant towards trying these out. Now, you may be thinking why on earth do I need two pumps. Well, let me explain. These are two completely different pumps, to be used at different times.

The Medela is the 'beast' of all breast pumps, getting milk quickly and efficiently with little hassle. So if I'm needing to express and stock up lots milk for my little one quickly, this is the pump to do it with. Little did I know how quickly this pump would become an essential part of my life. After suffering from an undiagnosed tongue tie resulting in extremely painful nipples I had to stop feeding my son on day 10. I was still adamant that he had my milk so I quickly started using the Medela. I was shocked at how efficient and easy it was to use. Super easy to wash and sterilise with the use of the QUICK CLEAN bags, and simple to assemble, which by the way, is absolutely necessary when your having to pump every few hours. I would however say its completely essential to have a pumping bra as its near enough impossible to sit and hold the pumps as it means both your hands are used. Medela sell their own brand ones, or I just actually cut little holes in a sports bra and use that. I managed to pump enough milk for the following feed and some, so I used the Medela storage bags to keep any left over milk in the fridge and eventually I had enough meaning I wouldn't have to pump over night. Another great thing about Medela is that you pump straight into the bottle, and you can just screw on the lid and feed straight away if you wish. Theres no need to transfer the milk, which all pumping mums know can raise your heart rate as no-one wants to spill the milk lol. I used the CALMA teat which is designed exclusively for breastfed babies, as it requires your baby to feed the same way as they do on the breast. This means switching from boob to bottle shouldn't be a problem.

TOP TIP : don't over pump!!!! Also, you should be expressing every bottle feed so your boobs don't get over full. 

Fantastic pump - 9/10 ( its gets a 10/10 if you've got the pump bra)

The Haaka is particularly good at attaching to the other breast, while feeding, and collecting all the leakage from the free boob. As well as this, it is completely portable meaning you can literally attach it wherever you are. So once Tayo had his tongue tie snipped, and we settled back into feeding, I started to use the Haaka to collect the let down milk from my other boob while feeding. Its crazy how much you can collect that would otherwise be wasted. Not only can this milk be stored and used for a rainy day, but it literally saves my tops getting milk drenched at night if I don't have a bra on.

TOP TIP: Wait until you've completely establish breast feeding so your supply is constant and you don't have to be juggling and re-attacthing a wriggly baby 

I love it... 9/10


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