Monday 10 December 2018


Silent and wearable are two words any pumping mum wouldn't usually associate with their pumps. However, women spoke and Elvie heard. Meet the worlds first silent completely cordless wearable breast pump.

When I first saw this through the wonders of Instagram's sponsored posts, I genuinely thought it was too good to be true. However ladies, I'm here to tell you its not!!! Small and compact enough to wear in your nursing bra, the Elvie pumps means you can pump quite literally anywhere. For mums getting back to work but still wanting to continue breast feeding and/or to keep their milk supply up or even just for mums who are spending the day/ evening out without their little one, this pump is perfect to discretely pump wherever you want. Gone are the days of pumping in the ladies toilets lol.

As I'm starting to wean Tayo, Im mixing his porridge and some of his purees with my breast milk. This pump has been PERFECT for quickly pumping a few oz while washing up, cleaning or just watching TV ready for the next day of food. 

It is so easy to assemble, use and wash. The app you can connect it to has simple step by step instructions for use which makes reading impossible small print instruction manuals a thing of the past !!

Im not going to ignore its slight large price tag, at nearly £250 its definitely on the higher price end of breast pumps, however, its worth every penny if your a busy pumping mum. If you use it just once a day for the first year of your babies life its only 68p a day, so really it's a bargain ;)


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