Tuesday 23 January 2018

Lovely Baby Bumps

Baby Bumps & Body Shaming

Im almost 19 weeks pregnant and I barely have a bump. Now to some, this may sound like the best thing ever. You still get to wear your own clothes, and life stays relatively the same physically as before. However, I cant help but wonder, "why is my bump so small" especially now baby is the size of a sweet potato. I literally hold up a sweet potato to my stomach and wonder where on earth this baby is hiding. But through my research of hashtags on Instagram, not 1 woman is the same. This is so interesting to me, looking at other women who are in the same gestation week as me and how they are carrying.
Billie Brown talks baby bumps & body shaming

The thing to remember is along as baby is healthy, it doesn't really matter. I've followed Emma-Jane's pregnancy on Instagram (@emma_jane1392) and no lie her bump was like a food baby at 8 months. It was really quite upsetting to read some comments of other women judging her about her bump size and her having to defend the fact she is just petit and carrying more internally. She just gave birth to a healthy 6lbs 2oz baby boy so as always f**k the haters!

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this post is because whether you carry bump only, or you literally put on weight EVERYWHERE including your baby toe, as long as your healthy who cares. Your growing an actual human being, give yourself a break !


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