Saturday 10 February 2018

Damn Cold

Well there’s me thinking I’ve done so well to almost get through the winter months without getting sick, when usually I will have a cold or flu at least one. Well damn, I spoke to bloody soon. As of yesterday I am FULL of cold. Shit. Having a cold during pregnancy is not very fun, apart from the fact you can’t really take much medication, my bump is really beginning to grow of recent and when I get a surprise sneeze I always get a sharp round limagent pain. Ouch. For those of you that know what it is & feels like I’m sure you’ll feel sorry for me. For those of you who don’t its the ligaments that support the uterus, and as it grows they stretch & thicken to support its new size, any sudden jolts or movements in the body and they sharply remind you they’re there. You may feel them if you change position to quickly , cough, sneeze or get out the bath tub. It’s like a sharp stabbing pain on either or both sides of the uterus that lasts a few seconds. And it’s horrible, especially when you are sneezing, a lot. Besides from that there’s various other reasons getting a cold during pregnancy isn’t fun so I’ve been doing research and trying to find a natural solution that will help me get over this as quickly as physically possible.

Natural Remedies 

Honey 🍯 

Raw honey is antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic. Take 1 tsb three times a day. 

Lemon 🍋

Antibacterial. It also helps alkalinise the body. Rich in vitamin C. Take two lemons, juice and add to a mason jar. Add filtered water and 1tbsp of raw honey and a dash of sea salt for added minerals. Drink throughout the day for best results. 

Garlic 🤭

Part of the onion family, garlic is a powerhouse again the cold during pregnancy. In fact, in one study, daily consumption of a garlic supplement reduced peoples chance of a cold by over 60%!! For those who did get sick, garlic helped them get better faster! During pregnancy, it's best to consume 1 crushed, raw garlic clove with each meal. If your cold is acute, you could increase your garlic consumption to 1 crushed, raw clover per very 2-3 hours. Mix with raw honey for taste and added benefits.

Warm Salt Water 💦 

Use as a gargle to sooth and heal a sore throat

Coconut Oil 🥥

Antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal. You can add 1/8 tsp of peppermint extract to 2 tbsp of raw coconut oil. Mix then and add 1 tbsp of raw honey. Mix well. Then spread thin on a piece of parchment paper. Put in the freezer for 15 minutes. Eat as a yummy peppermint snack.

Clear Unsweetened Liquids 💧

Dehydration is more of a concern in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women so being diligent about staying hydrated is important. Homemade lemonade, bone broth, herbal teas, coconut mater and filtered water are all fantastic. Stay away from caffeine as this can further dehydrate you.


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