Friday 9 February 2018

What To Buy When Your Expecting?

Nowadays the lists of things to buy can be endless!! Theres gadgets and gizmos and cute little things drawing all mums-to-be in like a magnet. However, one question I see keep popping up a lot on on Facebook groups etc is "What do I actually need to buy before baby arrives". So with a little research and after speaking to real mums I've put together a pretty accurate list of essentials to buy before babies arrival.


  1. Crib
  2. Portable Changing Matt
  3. Crib Mattress
  4. Fitted Sheets
  5. Cotton Blankets
  6. Waterproof Mattress protector
  7. Room Temperature Thermometer
  8. Baby Monitor

Bath Time

  1. Baby Tub
  2. Towel
  3. Washcloth / Sponge
  4. Soft Hair Brush
  5. Nail Clippers
  6. Bathtub Safety Seat
  7. Ear Thermometer

Changing Baby

  1. Nappies  (disposable or cloth)
  2. Nappy Rash Cream
  3. Nappy Bags
  4. Muslin Cloth
  5. Disposable Nappy Wipes


  1. 4-6 Rompers (summer baby)
  2. 6-8 Sleepsuits 
  3. 4-6 Vests
  4. 2 Leggings with feet
  5. 2-3 Cardigans or Jackets (different thickness for different seasons)
  6. 2 Cotton Hats
  7. Socks
  8. 1 or 2 Dressy Outfits
  9. 1 Wearable Blanket ( Sleepingbag, tog depending on the weather)
  10. Scratch Mittens
  11. All-in-1 waterproof Snowsuit (winter baby)


  1. Stroller and Accessoires
  2. Stroller Blankets (winter)
  3. Baby Carrier
  4. Swing / Rocker / Bouncer
  5. Car Seat
  6. Changing Bag


  1. 2 Large Muslins (coverup & burp cloth)
  2. Steriliser
  3. Formular (bottle fed babies)
  4. 3 - 6 Bottles (less for breast fed , more for bottle fed)
  5. Breast Pump (breast fed)
  6. 3-4 Dummies

Mummy Essentials

  1. Postpartum Pads
  2. Nipple Pads
  3. Nursing Bra (if breastfeeding)
  4. Nursing Top (if breastfeeding)

Obviously as baby grows and develops there will be more to buy, however this list is completely adequate for a new born baby.


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