Sunday 8 April 2018

Hello third trimester

Woooaahhh, so last week I entered into the third and final trimester. How exciting! Around this time 'braxton hicks' usually start, I've definitely had a few. These are basically your body practising contractions, eeeeekkkk . My entire belly goes rock solid, I can't say they are unpleasant, but you definitely know when your having one!  As well as these , I've started to notice a pattern in bubbas movements, its really important that you pay attention and notice if this pattern changes or movements reduce. Im quite laid back, but my midwife always drills it into me, if anything changes in the movements, go into the clinic and get baby monitored. Around 29 weeks, I noticed that the movements weren't as 'jabby' as they usually are, so I just popped into my local antenatal clinic and they monitored baby for 15 mis to check everything was fine. As I thought, everything was fine, in fact the baby was moving so much the midwife has to keep moving the monitor lol. However, because bubba had changed positions it meant that the movements and kicks felt duller than usual. This can happen, but don't just assume, always go to check & put your mind at ease :)

My growing belly is starting to interfere with my day to day life now lol. Bending down to pick something up of the floor, shaving my legs & painting toe nails are all proving a bit of a challenge. The third trimester is when bubba gains the most weight, so I definitely prepared to grow quite a bit more. My skin on my belly can get itchy every now and then, where its stretching, so now I use my stretch mark oil twice, sometimes three times a day.

We've had our babymoon, and now its time to prepare our flat for baby. We've decided to re-carpet and repaint the entirety of upstairs, this is mainly so the flat is nice and fresh for us & the new baby. We are also getting the sofa cleaned, this is because of having a dog. Its a good opportunity to give the whole place a deep clean and get everything organised. I've already cleared through my wardrobe and found I was so much more ruthless than normal, giving over 5 bin liners away to charity !!


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