Tuesday 10 April 2018

Old Wives Tales VS Science

One thing I've noticed during pregnancy is that everyone has a million things to tell you in regards to what you should and shouldn't do... well what should you listen to ? I've searched the web for some old wives tales, from the slightly weird to the downright wacky and confirmed if they're true or not.

Don't put your hands above your head, it harms the baby

Not True

This is pretty crazy, but probably originated when women had a lot more heavy lifting around th house for domestic duties, so they were often told to sit down. While it wise to avoid heavy lifting and anything which strains the back during pregnancy, lifting your hands above your head does not strangle the baby with the umbilical cord.

Gender Bender

Not True

Before ultrasounds people studied the shape of your stomach a little more obsessively. The tale goes that if your carrying low its a boy, and if your carrying high its a girl. Not only is this false, but its more of a reflection of the shape the expectant mum is in.

Sweet & Sour

Not True

Craving sweet treats in your first trimester? According to superstition, its a girl. Or are you strictly a crisps kinda girl ? You'll be having a boy. This sweet vs sour cravings is another completely unfounded theory. 

Heartburn = Baby Hair


This may sound like an old wives tale, but researchers at Baltimore hospital found that when pregnant ladies reported moderate heartburn they had hairy newborns 82% of the time. The majority of heartburn-free women gave birth to bare babies. Surprised ?

Pregnant women shouldn't have sex

Not True

Errrrrr no! Not true. You may just need to readjust your positioning when your belly expands so your not bearing another humans bodyweight on unborn bub. But this is definitely one myth I'm pleased to say holds no truth.

Pregnant women shouldn't have baths

Not True

This one is almost as sad as the myth about abstaining from sex. While you may need to lower the temperature (keep it warm, not hot), baths can help relieve swelling and muscle pain, increase the amniotic fluid and prevent premature contractions. 

Eat your vegetables now & your baby will like them later


The food & drinks you eat will flavour the amniotic fluid that baby starts swallowing in the second trimester. Science has shown that babies who are exposed to vegetables in utero are more likely to develop a preference for them when they begin eating solids and as they grow into adults. Flavours from your diet are also transmitted into your breast milk. One study published showed that 4-8 month olds whose nursing mums ate green beans accepted the vegetable more readily and ate 3x more of them than babies who were not exposed. Interesting!


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